Category Archives:

Tried & Tested: Feel Supreme – Lion’s Mane Extract

Read our colleague’s first-hand experience of this great product! Adam tried Feel Supreme Lion’s Mane – “I experienced increased memory recall, vocabulary and focus while I was taking it. I would definitely recommend this to others who want to benefit from cognitive support.” If you’d like to give this product a try for yourself, you […]

Best Secret Santa Gifts in 2023 – Top 5 Picks

Secret Santa Gift in Ireland

Fun Gifts For Secret Santa If you’re like us and you LOVE the giving almost as much as the receiving at Christmas, then this post is for you!  From boxes of lovingly made unique chocolate truffles, to amethyst-lined double-walled borosilicate glass tea infusion bottles, to the most delicious vegan cheese board…Hopsack has you covered for […]

How To Use Carrageen Moss

How to use carrageen sea moss

Carrageen moss, latterly known as Irish moss, is one of Ireland’s most powerful traditional tonic remedies.  As an island/coastal culture, which for many centuries hacked a living out of the landscape with inherent and necessary frugality, we accrued a tremendous natural pharmacy – using our myriad herbs (nearly all now known as weeds!), mushrooms and […]

Is Collagen Supplementation Effective and Necessary

Collagen and Its Role in Our Body - A Complete Guide

So you’ve heard about collagen supplements and you want to know more?  Is collagen supplementation effective?  Is collagen supplementation necessary?  Well we’ve got the low down for you!   Collagen has exploded in popularity in the past 5 years, and we’ve been busy researching the best brands and distilling the facts from the lies so we […]