
Pronounced Ah-Sa-E, Acai is a fruit we are hearing more about in the media these days. So what’s the big deal? Well acai comes from a palm tree grown in Central and South America, with commercial sources mostly found in Brazil. It contains a very high concentration of polyphenol anti-oxidants such as anthocyanins (OPC’s) which […]

…and you don’t even have to like food to enjoy this!

Thank you Jessica – one of our favourite customers (who is about to leave us for sunnier climbs) has of late fed me a number of fantastic links to the sorts of blogs you only get in the states…thoughtful, entertaining, and with stunning photography Gluten-Free Girl‘s tasty little blog is an all aspirational, lifestyle-driven foodie […]

Swine Flu…though we’re inclined to ignore it

Though we can’t quite comprehend/believe the figures being slung about by Doomsday Media Empire Inc. it’s becoming harder to ignore the prospect of a flu-filled winter. Whilst we are sure that most of you (like us) would rather be reading something worthwhile like the latest Harry Potter installment, owing to the raised level of concern […]