Nourish your body at Christmas

Let Christmas be a time to thrive… let your body and soul draw nourishment from all the positivity, warmth and love that Christmas can bring about. We all know Christmas can be stressful. So start nurturing your body now, prepare yourself, so that you can breeze through the season and fully enjoy its spirit and joy.

Deep breath in and exhale… let’s begin!

A cheap, effective and proven way to reduce stress in the body is to breathe! You can begin each morning by taking a few deep breaths, simple! The trick is, however, to exhale for twice as long and you inhale. By doing this, you trigger a response in the nervous system from sympathetic (fight-or-flight mode) to parasympathetic (rest and relax). It is instantly calming.

If anxiety levels are quite high, an effective and popular breathing technique for calming stress levels is Box Breathing. You can simply download one of the many apps onto your phone, which allow you to breath along, whilst using visual and audio guides to ensure that you breathe correctly and don’t pick up bad habits.

If you find yourself really overwhelmed by the pace, there’s a few magic herbs that can help you regain your zen – holy basil, lemon balm and passionflower. These herbs can be drunk as teas or taken in tablet form if you’re on the go.  Without dulling the bright lights, they can really help to support your nervous system’s response to the dizzying schedule, and help you wear a smile in the fray!

‘Tis the season to stay warm and well

Boost your immune system by eating foods in season, eating fermented foods and also supplementing with herbs and vitamins.  Foods in season not only taste better, they are also easier on the pocket and also have a far greater nutrient content than those that are out of season. Foods in season for December in Ireland are:

Beetroot, broccoli, brussels sprouts, celery, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, kale, leeks, mushrooms, parsnips, swedes, turnips, round lettuce, thyme, sage, parsley and mint. Your Christmas dinner is actually packed full of goodness!

Eating fermented foods such as kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso or kefir, boosts the population of microflora in your gut. These good bacteria actively fight bad bacteria and produce short chain fats and lactic acid that support digestion. They help to calm the immune system in the gut – a key function for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or food allergies and intolerances.

Using some targeted supplementation, you can boost your immunity further, protecting yourself and your family against the nasty winter bugs and viruses that are all too common. Some herbs and nutrients which can really help support you are vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, echinacea, olive leaf, oregano oil and elderberry.

I also enjoy a ginger tea with raw honey in the evenings.  Let the fresh ginger steep in boiling water for 10 minutes before adding the raw honey.  This antiviral and antibacterial hot drink is another cheap and effective way to support you through the festive season.  It feels like a warm hug when coming  home from the chaos and the cold.

Don’t forget to include protein in your diet in all the excitement. To make it easy, you can opt for one of the protein powders we have on our website and simply make a shake out of it. It’s that easy!

Soothe your soul

Take the time to look after your inner self during this hectic time of year when it’s easy to lose sight of your inner buddha. It’s always so rushed and frantic, that we forget to stop and rest, calm our thoughts and relax.

Meditation brings us back to ourselves. It is proven to calm anxiety, restoring harmony and tranquility in the mind. Use grounding essential oils such as frankincense, or stress reducing oils such as neroli during meditation to heighten those feelings of calm.

Remember, listen to your body. You do not need to accept every party invitation. Enjoy those cosy nights in with a mug of tea, candles lit, snacking on healthy nuts and listening to some of your favourite music. My favourite festive music being ‘Charlie Brown’s Christmas Album by Vince Guaraldi Trio’ (don’t judge!). This will nourish your body and recharge your batteries!

It’s party time… so protect yourself

Obviously the best thing to protect your body is to not drink! However, just in case you do happen to have a drink or two, here are a few pieces of advice for you.

  • Eat eggs on sourdough toast before you head out. Eggs (like garlic) are a good source of cysteine, an amino acid that breaks down alcohol toxins, while the bread lines your stomach.

  • Milk thistle – This natural remedy for liver detoxification and support has been around for ages. The liver works hard constantly to protect us from toxins, acting like a filter and removing harmful substances. Milk thistle is shown to decrease (or even reverse) damage to the liver caused by alcohol. Start taking it daily at the beginning of December if you are planning to have a ‘merry’ Christmas.

  • B vitamin complex – as alcohol depletes B vitamins in the body, take this supplement daily, it will give you a boost the next day and you are more likely to wake up feeling refreshed. B Vitamins also play an important role in reducing stress levels.

  • Vitamin C – Take a powdered Vitamin C drink with added electrolytes before going to bed, it will reinforce your immune system and will combat dehydration, one of the reasons we wake up with a headache.

  • Eat antioxidant rich foods such as blueberries, pomegranates or brussels sprouts to mop up all the dangerous free radicals released in your body by alcohol consumption.

  • Finn’s secret trick: Take a combination of probiotics and digestive enzymes just before you go out, again when you come in (leave them on your pillow!) and again in the morning – you won’t believe the difference in your mental and digestive health the next morning!

  • Make yourself a detox juice the morning after. Carrot, apple and ginger is the perfect recipe!

  • Practice the “One-For-One” – one glass of water for every one of alcohol.

    …and in the wise words of my mother “always leave the party while you are still having fun”.

Put your best face forward

Everybody knows that dull, tired and dehydrated look on your skin after many late nights out, the harsh weather conditions and the overindulgence in treats and goodies.

Rosehip oil can instantly revitalise and hydrate your complexion. The moment I put this on I feel uplifted and more radiant.

Start your morning with a glass of warm water and a squeeze of lemon juice. This is a natural skin cleanser and a fantastic ‘perk me up’ for the day!

Eat Omega 3 rich foods such as walnuts, wild atlantic salmon and spinach.  Foods rich in vitamin E such as almonds, sweet potato and the beloved avocado.  Vitamin C rich foods such as citrus fruits, dark leafy greens and broccoli would be a welcome addition.

All of our fresh produce is organic.
So, come into the shop and knock yourself out (…with a sprout!)

Merry Christmas from The Hopsack Family!

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