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Oh Baby! Natural Solutions to Infertility: Part 2: Acupuncture, Herbs and Reflexology

Today we look at acupuncture, herbal medicine and reflexology, all of which enjoy an excellent reputation for helping couples conceive longed-for babies. According to a UK National Fertility Survey from 2007, fertility has declined dramatically over the past 50 years (see here). Acupuncture, herbs and reflexology counteract the trend towards infertility. While some couples genuinely […]

Mmmmedicinal cookery with Dale Pinnock at a health store near you!

Imagine a sumptuous soup reminiscent of a full-bodied Bloody Mary. Then imagine it curing your cold! Therein lies the essence of 'medicinal cookery', a cutting-edge culinary art that is as hedonistic as it is healing. The term 'medicinal cookery' is set to enter the public mind next April, when Dale Pinnock publishes his book Medicinal […]