De Bonte Weide: Kefir from Organic Raw Goat Milk


In stock | Unit of Sale: 500ml

De Bonte Weide: Kefir from Organic Raw Goat Milk


Organic raw goat milk kefir from Bonte Weide is a powerful dairy drink with a rich amount of nutrients. The goat kefir is made at the goat farm De Bonte Weide. De Bonte Weide is located in Stolwijk, in the heart of the Green Heart. Goat kefir is made from raw, non-homogenised goat’s milk, which has major advantages over processed milk. The milk is not heated and is therefore not pasteurised. This preserves the nutrients that naturally occur in goat’s milk. Through the fermentation process, the raw organic goat’s milk is enriched with kefir culture to produce probiotics. Goat’s milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk, making it a suitable alternative to many who have trouble with traditional dairy.


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