Incense Dance Of The Cinnamon Moon



In stock | Unit of Sale: 30 sticks

Christmas Gift - Incense Dance Of The Cinnamon Moon
Incense Dance Of The Cinnamon Moon


Ayurvedic Incense Christmas Gift

Cosmic Dealer natural Ayurvedic incense is made from 100% natural aromatic Ayurdevic herbs, wood and medicinal plants. Free from all the random stuff you find in suspiciously cheap incense like synthetic fragrances, animal fats and chemical fillers which gives you headaches. Also free from essential oils. Made ethically in a magical Ashram high in the Himalayan mountains by a Yogi (yes, actually! The team often runs zoom meditations with him.) Perfect to unwind, meditate or during your yoga flow.

  • Ethically-made
  • Minimal ingredients
  • Vegan
  • 30 sticks
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