The Hybrid Diet by Patrick Holford


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Patrick Holford - The Hybrid Diet
The Hybrid Diet by Patrick Holford


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The Hybrid Diet mimics the body’s evolutionary design.

We are ‘hybrid’ and can run on glucose from carbs and ketones from our body fat. Alternating between the two is the hottest health secret – because something magical happens when we switch between a ‘slow’ carb and a high fat diet: it sets up a healthy cycle of new cell growth and repair, and body fat is burnt more efficiently, mimicking the natural cycle of feast and famine.

The worst of both worlds is the combination of animal fat and refined carbs – the hallmark of junk food.

A High Fat diet switches on a cellular clean up, repairing the energy factories in cells. A Slow Carb diet makes clean energy and healthy new cells. Switching regularly between Slow Carbs and High Fat is like nutritional yoga. You become ‘carb adapted’ – craving less sweet foods, and ‘fat adapted’ – able to burn and derive energy efficiently from fat.

Variation not moderation is the key to health and slowing down ageing. This is the Hybrid Diet because your body thrives on two fuels: ketones generated from fat or glucose from carbs. Alternating between the two is the hottest health secret.

To find out more read my book on The Hybrid Diet which will be out in March, come to a seminar near you in the UK and Ireland and learn how to go Hybrid from Patrick, or come to the Hybrid Fast Detox Retreat and experience the benefits.