Good, yeah? No. Bacteria Images of power-cleaning products zapping slimy bacteria with drone-like precision miss the bullseye. Bacteria are not capsules of evil. Some species and strains cause serious illness but others are crucial to well-being. Even bacteria with bad reputations, like E. coli, have beneficial strains. Bacteria are among the oldest living organisms. Single-celled and microscopic, they enjoy a dynamic relationship with the planet and its life-forms. Without bacteria, dead creatures would not decompose and return to the earth. Without bacterial 'armour' covering our skin, we would not repel environmental insults. Bacteria keep us alive. They digest our food, influence our hormones, make vitamins, and educate our immune systems to keep bad microbes out. Bac chat It's hard to imagine how tiny bacteria can have such an impact. They do so by 'talking' to each other. Each strain contains an intra-species molecule that allows it to count – and communicate with – its own siblings, plus a generic inter-species system – the 'trade language' of bacteria – that allows it to 'chat' to other strains. Together they work out who's in the minority, who's in the majority, and who should play what role in their environment. Bacteria also engage in 'quorum sensing': instead of acting as individuals they act as a group, reproducing until they reach a quorum. They then 'turn on' group behaviours, which can affect a host. These manoeuvres have health implications, especially because we are 10% human and 90% bacteria! Our bodies contain one trillion human cells but 10 trillion bacterial cells play a role in us or on us our whole lives. Gut microflora John McDougall MD says gut microflora should be considered a vital organ. Our intestines house a society of pathogenic and friendly bacteria. When 'good' bacteria dominate, they crowd out the pathogens and promote health. When the baddies dominate, the good guys' essential roles are compromised and bacterial illnesses can flourish. On this Lilliputian battlefield, context and balance are key. These can be influenced by food and supplements. Terrain The right terrain feeds friendly bacteria. The wrong terrain feeds pathogens. Bacteria eat our partially digested meals. Each species has a preferred menu. According to Dr McDougall, friendly bacteria love plant foods, especially indigestible fibres and sugars. Pathogenic bacteria prefer meat and junk food. By switching to a whole-food, plant-based diet, we can suppress pathogen growth and stimulate friendly bacteria. Major changes in microflora balance take place within 1-2 weeks. Strain A good probiotic can boost friendly bacteria. Choose one that guarantees a high number of viable bacteria at expiry and fully identifies bacterial strains. For guidelines, see here. If a product does not contain the species and strains it claims to, the consumer could be at risk due to questionable microbial characteristics. The packaging should include full identification of strains: genus, species and strain code to differentiate between species. Not all species will have the same effects. OptiBac Probiotics and Bio-Kult make sophisticated formulas that follow these specifications. Ask the Hopsack friendlies for advice on the right supplement for you.  

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