Cecelia Armelin’s Great Irish Eating Plan

Well if you ever needed a food guide to get you through lean times with wholefoods made both filling and fulfilling then check out Cecelia’s Irish Eating Plan. With a lifetime of experience in turning ill health to rude health using macrobiotic eating principles, Cecelia’s plan is a solid starter for anyone lost in a maze of oven pizzas. All you need is a little will power, patience (not every dish turns out perfect first time you know!), and a sense of adventure to turn her eating plan into a lifetime of simple home cooked and nourishing meals. Don’t forget – Cecelia gives free consultations on the shop floor from 12-3pm every second Saturday, so if you have any queries about what you read, why not speak to her in person!

Most of you who have graced our little shop’s woody interior with your presence will, I am sure, be aware of Cecelia Armelin. Apart from offering fortnightly free consultations on our shop floor out of the goodness of her heart, Cecelia has been variously involved in many initiatives aimed at increasing awareness of the importance of proper nutrition in the Irish diet. She tends towards the macrobiotic school of thought which utilises the healing and balancing powers of wholefoods to combat many illness and re-balance the body’s energies. She has most gracefully allowed us to publish her “Irish Eating Plan” – a document which holds in it the cornerstones of a decent diet, referencing affordable, mostly local produce throughout. This guide is a great resource tool for those of us who find ourselves with less money in our pocket, more time on our hands and an interest in maintaining our bodies as nature intended. Cecelia’s Irish Eating Plan

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