Biodynamism In Dairy Produce

How Now Brown Cow? Â Well in The Hopsack healthfood store the brown cow does well. Â Especially well since his arrival late yesterday evening in the form of non-homogenised, creamy, organic cow's milk. Â In fact not just organic, the range of dairy products from the Kelly's Moonshine Farm is produced to using bio-dynamic methods of farming. Â If you want to follow that link it'll take you on a journey into the world of bio-dynamic growing, how it all came to be, and why it represents the absolute pinnacle of standards for stuff that you put in your mouth to keep you alive. Â With the Kelly's range of dairy produce what that essentially means for us consumers is cows that are kept on grass as much as possible – which makes them very happy cows, and fills their milk with omega 3 fats – and that there are absolutely no non-organic inputs such as pesticides or the like so the milky white stuff really is pure as the driven snow. The lack of homogenisation means that the fat globules are intact (not rancid) and the body's absorption of both Vitamins A and D, both of which are found in abundance in the yummy butterfat, is uninhibited, whereas through homogenisation levels of these nutrients are greatly depleted, leaving you with a pretty white, pretty useless drink of milk. And the clever Kellys have taken their milk one step further – from this they produce a delicious live yoghurt, both unflavoured and with blueberry and strawberry options for those with a sweet tooth. Â AND they make cheese. Â Really good soft, cream cheese. Â All of these products from the Kellys are now available to buy throughout the week, with fresh deliveries every Wednesday and Saturday. Â Oh, and did I mention the price? Â 1.50…for a litre of non-homogenised, organic, bio-dynamic cow's milk that ain't half bad.

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